The time is ripe for Australia to have its nationally-centred annual event in RNA biology. The A-RNA Conference will bring together Australia’s RNA researchers and research students, with international guests, to share knowledge, ideas and technologies to understand the role of RNA in life processes, and harness its applied potential.

Dear A-RNA community,

Due to logistical issues, we were not able to schedule the 2023 A-RNA meeting in Thredbo. However, A-RNA is proud to announce a partnership with the Shine-Dalgarno Centre for RNA Innovation at the ANU! 

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the Shine-Dalgarno sequence, the 2023 meeting will be coordinated and hosted by the Shine-Dalgarno Centre for RNA Innovation at the ANU, and will be held on June 5-8, 2023 at the beautiful Shine Dome in Canberra.

We invite all members of the A-RNA community to attend. Registration details can be found at

Students and Postdocs- there will be a significant number of travel fellowships on offer, so please apply. We want to see you in Canberra!

Looking forward to seeing everyone again soon.

All the Best,

Carl, Sarah, Justin, Jaiyu, and Tim